Everything was foreseen. My parents sent me to the 6 years to the School of the marianistas The Pilar." It was near house, since he/she lived in the Neighborhood of Salamanca (C / Ibiza) and the school was of those but qualified of the area. It completed the two requirements that my parents demanded to a school: private and religious. As negative aspect it is that maybe and done with historical perspective it was a secret liberal center in the Madrid of the time. Not always everything was possible. In any event, the liberal atmosphere that swarmed for the school was generously reconducido in my family and the noxious effects of the marianistas were fortunately smaller that that that, if at home they had not been watchful, they had been able to cause in my spirit of spiritual and national formation.
I have read that after some years, one of the Directors of the School has made some not very fortunate declarations on my school stage. He/she says this Director that you like he/she calls himself: " The truth is that nobody gave a five pesetas for this boy's victory so quick and spectacular. For us it was a surprise when he/she ran off with with the Presidency of Castile and León; but when we already open the eyes like plates, it was in the summer from 1989 when obtaining the national nomination of the PP and being the successor of Fraga. It is never known."
It is decepcionante that one can say that of my. I prefer not to think that he/she said when I was elected President of the Government.
But but there of this anecdote, my school formation was something more. In summary and without I encourage of draining this key stage of my personality I will tell you that my first classroom that I remember was the call of Parvulitos B. we were in the month of October of 1959. In the beginning of the First Plan of Development. Almost anything. Of there pass to Naive B stops soon after to move to the Elementary B. Everything went like it was foreseen until to the 10 years memory that for causes that nobody knows well to explain to me, D. Mauro - my tutor - he/she had a wrong encounter with my august person that provoked me a week of school drop. It hurted me the whole body. My parents protested and so that he/she didn't cross with the such D. Mauro again they happened to me to the those of the letter D. Starting from that incident hardly memory vaguely that my notes were not to throw rockets: flunks chronic and constant annotations on my bad behavior. That if, there is not bad that for well he/she doesn't come and in those years it begins to be worked my legend, mainly among the smallest in the school, according to which I was a boy something insolent and hoodlum." One of my biggest amusements was to go giving tufas in the nape of those of elementary. Still memory their faces of you dip you. I remind you that it was in full phase of formation of my personality. The one that had, retained.
The months pass, and I study to course, with more pain than glory beginning the superior high school. To mark differences with most I enroll in Letters. The sciences were not mine. My level in those moments was to the level of the floor. To D. Gregorio, my tutor in that high school time -, I remind him that the day passed locating me outside of class. Their favorite sentence was: " Aznar, leave you of being played the XXXXX and leave outside of class." Sew that they happen.
The patio of my school was particular
As for the life of the school, I admit you that I was never integrated. At 6 in the afternoon for house. Neither Boy Scout, neither anything of anything. At some time he/she gave me to play handball - paws called me - and not very more. My life was outside of the classrooms marianistas. The weekends, with my Castilian shoes and my corduroy pants - Keeper - I was devoted to see world. Unforgettable stage that I cannot relate you.
I made some friend, the truth that few. In this land I was clearly below the stocking. That if, the few ones have gone him maintaining in the time, even inside my possibilities I have offered that it was them well in the life. Although later on I will give you but you detail in Kindergartens I knew Juan Villalonga. The name doesn't maybe tell a lot you but if I tell you that during 4 years thanks to my disinterested interest was President of Telefónica and that I named him, the thing has but grease. In other chapters of this page you will find my former friend's complementary data Juanito.
The small one fears myself that I am me
I also met José Manuel Montesino - a true ligon - to Pinies, to Juan José Ortiz Bru - now Boss of Press of UNICEF, to the Aragonese siblings. Not well called Dalton. Of all trust. Carlitos is my current Boss of Cabinet. We know the whole one of the other one. Their brother defends in business PPopulares variopintos. Preferably in Eduardo's area $Zaplana INC. And mainly to Jaime Sanromá. Good lad to which I have a lot of appreciation.
On the other hand, although I don't remember the details of those years well, I believe that he/she went to mass on Sundays, he/she read some books that interested me on our Guerra Civilian, in particular those of José Mª Gironella and little by little, under it guides her of my grandfather and of my father, I went approaching to José's figure Antonio Cousin of Rivera. On my relationships with José's Work Antonio, given the importance and influence that he/she has had in my formation have dedicated him a chapter I specify that you can visit in these pages.
In fact, I will be a history that few people know and that she says well like I/you/he/she was me for that time. I don't remember the date. I believe that serious the winter of 1969. The case is that a communist acquaintance - old student of my school - a certain Enrique Ruano had an encounter with the policemen and the result is that it was thrown by a window and he/she died. In my school, the liberal and social communist that swarmed over there - headed by the Father Luis Castro - they were not happened anything better than making a campaign against the suffering policemen and against the periodic ABC. As you can imagine at home they were indignant with this posture of the school. Me to leave perseverance of my discrepancies with those responsible for the school, accompanied by other two good friends, we decide to get dressed symbolically of falangists and to present us in the patio of the school with an impeccable blue shirt that didn't jump her to him a bullfighter. As you see, the blue has always been my favorite color. Fortunately there is not graphic perseverance of this rich anecdote of my falangist gear. But, the truth is the true, even for types that as me, years we have spent our rescribiendo own trajectories..
In these years it was fundamental in my formation my grandfather Manuel: the tranquility, to make what you believe that you should make and not to become nervous for anything is the three suggestions that more memory and more applies.
On my grandfather's personality Manuel includes a chapter of the book Convulsions of Spain that the evil socialist Blackish Indalecio wrote centered in my low grandfather's trajectory the title The record of a Rogue." Word this " Rogue " that is like he/she called to my poor grandfather. You will find a surprising expression that includes it in these pages Web but from almost reading it it convinces me. My own grandfather when he/she reread it, past the first fright, was not able to for less than to smile and it is that I have always believed that the such one Blackish he/she knew my grandfather more than what one could imagine.
In any event, it was or not for my grandfather's influence, the certain fact is that in this stage of my adolescence the letter is published that wrote to the magazine SP in the one to the 16 year-old age that with certain enthusiasm ago a passionate defense of what myself denominated independent falangismo and that once some listillo plundered me I had to leave like I could and I was not happened another thing that to say: "when one is 16 years old it should be been a little revolutionary."THE UNIVERSITY.
Starting from that liking to express my originals ideas revolutionaries through letters, my later trajectory is guided toward the Ability of Right of the University Of Alcalá de Henares of Madrid and in the preparation of oppositions to Inspector of Treasury of the State. I don't like to speak of this stage, since neither myself can contribute a lot of light since I didn't make another thing that what you/they were making thousands of young of my generation: to prepare oppositions and to hide the more possible envelope what was happening in my country. He/she played me to study. And that made.
It is true that done with perspective he/she could have made something more, but if he/she had made it who I left to assure that with the years he/she didn't appear some picture or testimony, for example, manifesting my solidarity in the Square of East. It is never known. And but rather they say it to my Pious Spokesman Cabanillas.
And to all this they take place the general elections of 1977. My they vote-say - it was for the UCD, although this fact doesn't take it since very in bill of to say it and to hear it so many times I have ended up him to me to believe but I would swear that it was not exactly this way. But I always say the same thing: short hair to the sea, after all the vote is secret and to the tomb that I take it to me.